Teacher’s Manual
Cost: $495 for Full Manual (Years 1-6) or $200 each for Years 1 & 2, 3 & 4, 5 & 6
The TEACHER’S MANUAL is a complete music programme designed to be used in conjunction with the student workbooks. Designed to assist teachers in both teaching and assessing music according to the Australian Curriculum, the 365 page manual consists of several sections.
The YEARLY OVERVIEWS show one-page summaries of each year level. Divided into a week-by-week structure, they list the suggested concepts to be taught each lesson, the relevant page numbers from the student workbooks and any assessment tasks for each week.
The ASSESSMENT PLAN consists of several sections. Most importantly it lists every assessment task for each 2-year band (years 1-2, 3-4, 5-6) and shows their relationship to both the Achievement Standard and Content Descriptions. This section also includes suggested marking criteria for each assessment task.
The section of LESSON PLANS contains a complete one page lesson plan for each week of each year level from years 1 to 6. Each lesson is not limited to the activities in the student workbooks, but rather they are written to be a complete music programme. The lessons are framed with the following four components: Prepare, Make Conscious, Practise, Assess. The lesson plans also contain a small image of any pages from the student workbooks that are used in that lesson, plus a list of any resources needed for quick reference.
The SONG FILE contains all of the songs referred to in the lesson plans and student workbooks. The printed songs show the melody line, lyrics and any game instructions.
For teachers who do not require the full Teacher’s Manual for Year 1-6, the manual is available divided into 2 year bands: Years 1 & 2, 3 & 4 and 5 & 6. Each of these smaller manuals cost $200.
Click to see sample pages from the Teacher’s Manual.
Lesson and Assessment Planner
Cost: Free with each class set of MY MINI MUSIC BOOKS purchased.
Lesson Planner consists of a one page summary for each year level listing suggested teaching concepts and assessment items for each weekly lesson over the year. Each concept and assessment item is accompanied by the relevant page numbers from the MY MINI MUSIC BOOKS.
Assessment Planner consist of suggested assessment tasks for each semester. Assessment tasks are presented both in a class spreadsheet format with space for student names, plus in a criteria sheet format.
Both Lesson Planner and Assessment Planner will be sent via email.
PDF Versions of Books suitable for Electronic Whiteboards
Cost: $40 per book.
To help facilitate classroom teaching, the MY MINI MUSIC BOOKS are each available as PDF files. Individual pages can be displayed to the class using data projectors or electronic whiteboards, allowing students to follow more clearly.
Recorder and Keyboard Backing Tracks on CD
Cost: $20 per CD
Books 4, 5 and 6 integrate recorder and keyboard skills into the learning sequence. There are 4 different CDs available.
Backing Tracks for Book 4 (Recorder version)
Backing Tracks for Book 5 (Recorder + Keyboard version)
Backing Tracks for Book 5 (Keyboard version)
Backing Tracks for Book 6 (Keyboard)
The material for both the recorder and keyboard is divided into 5 sub-levels, with each level progressively introducing more notes. Each level contains carefully chosen folksongs which introduce, practice and assess the new notes for that level. To enhance the learning experience, every song comes with a specially composed backing track. The full set of backing tracks are available for purchase on CD. Below is a sample of a few of the backing tracks.